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Some businesses that have implemented company Al-Safwah Al-Iraqia Contracting

  1. project streams to hand East (2) billion dinars.

  2. sewer project spend Kahla right side at a cost of six billion

  3. sewer project sector's city center architecture.

  4. demolition and construction of kindergarten lilies city center architecture.

  5. building an indoor sports area Maysan Sports Club.

  6. rehabilitate Department of Telecommunications and E Maysan.

  7. rehabilitate the Postal Service Office of the Department of Telecommunications Maysan.

  8. set up my store chlorine closed and open circuit water Maysan.

  9. rooms set up guards for pools of water Maysan.

  10. maintenance projects, water Mesopotamia, the ancient Awahh, Awahh.

  11. Repair damage to water networks in Al-Hussein and Al-Yarmouk neighborhood.

  12. Pour rules generators and reservoirs for water parks architecture

  13. Generation slasher control architecture Police Directorate Maysan.

  14. rehabilitation (110) Residential House staff Maysan Oil.

  15. concrete fences set up for Maysan Oil wells.

  16. ripe dirt yards to the oil fields in Maysan.

  17. processing and brushes and Haddl River Road Building Saad.

  18. processing (10,000 m3) grit Khabt the Ministry of Industry.

  19. completion of civil works for the power station and the Ministry of Commerce.

  20. reform rules pylons in Maysan.

  21. creation of the position of the gas containers for stationary and mobile gas laboratory Amarah, Samawah.

  22. rehabilitation department retired Maysan.

  23. project of constructing a mosque compound and carpet in Najaf


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